6 deadlift variations to try

Published: 2018-12-30
(Last updated 2025-01-06)

Continuing on our series of lift variations, we’ve arrived at the deadlift. While this article might at first glance seem to be specifically aimed towards powerlifters, that’s not really the case. All the information here can be used for any athlete or anyone who wants to get stronger. Sumo or conventional? I will talk about both.

Table of Contents:

Block deadlift

Deadlifting off blocks is done by placing the weights (that is the plates, not the bar) on blocks or boxes, effectively shortening the range of motion (ROM) of the lift. The height of the blocks can be anywhere from 2 cm to significantly more. However, keep the height low enough such that the bar is below the knees in the starting position.

It’s of great importance to use blocks that are low enough for the the barbell to be below the knees. A good place to start is around 10 cm high blocks. With proper technique the hardest part of the conventional deadlift is around the knees. With sumo it's different, again assuming good technique, and the hardest part is much lower in the lift. For this reason, block deadlifts are not nearly as useful for many sumo lifters as for conventional pullers.

As a teaching tool it's another story. If you want to get into sumo deadlifting but don’t quite have the flexibility yet, start with sumo deadlifts off blocks and gradually lower the blocks over the course of weeks as you get more flexible and comfortable with the sumo stance.

PINS OR BLOCKS? Another way to start with the bar higher is by placing it on pins, like in a power rack. I much prefer blocks over pins. The feeling is different due to how the energy is transferred. With blocks the weights are connected to the blocks, it feels like the ground is raised. The same is not true in regards to pin deadlifts. Placing the bar on pins also cause it to flex less. There’s nothing specifically wrong with pulling from pins, I just prefer block pulls most of the time.

I'm certainly no stranger to prescribing 1 repetition maximums (1RM) in block deadlifts, typically as a test rather than as training. Most of the time the reps will be a little higher, around 3-6, usually for several sets not done to failure.

Deficit deadlift

Here's the reverse of the block deadlift, that is you stand on a block (or a plate or whatever) while the bar stays on the floor. The deficit is typically 5 cm although we occasionally go up to 10 cm. Unless it’s a special case I want to see the lifter squat down further to get into the start position instead of bending forward. This ensures that more stress is placed on the legs as opposed to the lower back.

The purpose of deficit deadlifts is to use more legs, and by doing so building the start of the lift. That's probably the reason most folks use it, but I found it can sometimes help build the lockout too. I believe the reason is you have to strain longer, or in other words build up the endurance in the deadlift. Not everyone is actually weaker in the deficit deadlift. It depends on how they use their legs. Plan accordingly.

While they will occasionally be told to max out, the majority of deficit deadlift training for my lifters is with moderate weights for 3-4 sets of 3-4 repetitions.

Deficit deadlift hold

This is a lift I use with sumo deadlifters who have trouble getting the barbell off the floor. The start is identical to the deficit deadlift but as soon as the barbell breaks a few cm’s off the floor you pause and hold the bar in place for 2-3 seconds before lowering the weight down again. Subsequent repetitions are performed in the same way until the very last one where you finish the lift as you would a regular deadlift.

IS THIS JUST A DEADLIFT WITH A PAUSE? For the past 4-5 years or so I've seen an increasing amount of powerlifters do pause deadlifts. This is not the same thing. First, you don't finish every rep, only the last. Second, where you actually pause in my variation is where the starting position would be if done from the floor. (Nevermind that I almost never see anyone doing paused deadlifts with what appears to be a pause, rather it's a brief slow down. But I digress.)

Typically I will prescribe 3-4 sets of 3 repetitions with the third being the one that is actually locked out. The weight needs to be pushed hard. For some lifters this is a game changer.

Deadlift with bands

You can of course add bands to deadlifts. Ideally you will use two bands, each strapped over one side of the barbell. If you don’t have a setup like that you can take one band, put it over the middle of the barbell and stand on the band. This works well for conventional deadlifting but might be tricky for sumo.

The primary reason I prescribe deadlifts with bands is if the lifter has very strong and well working legs but a lower back that’s lagging behind. And sometimes if they’ve gotten a bit mentally burned out by doing regular deadlifts - they need a change of pace, so to speak. I haven't seen any great increases from using bands that would warrant their existence aside from that.

As with most other deadlifts the reps are low and the sets are more. What about chains? Sure, you can use those but for many the lifting path isn’t very long and the chains either don’t add much or they add too much abruptly so bands are easier in the deadlift.

Stiff leg deadlift

Stiff leg deadlifts, a.k.a. straight leg deadlifts, are done with a minimal bend in the knee. You know how your unathletic elders always yelled "lift with the legs!" when you carried their boxes and furniture because they were too out of shape? This is the opposite. You will use a lot of your backside: lower back, ass, and hamstrings.

Contrary to what the name implies, I actually don’t advocate completely stiff legs, but rather the knees just shy of being locked out. Most people aren't flexible enough to use completely straight legs.

STIFF LEG OR ROMANIAN? Let’s clear up the confusion. Stiff leg deadlifts are performed with the barbell starting on the ground every repetition like a regular deadlift. Romanian deadlifts are performed from the hang, that’s the difference between the two. While a fine lift, the latter is not actually a deadlift because the weight isn't lifted from a "dead" position. Bet you didn't know that was the reason they call it a deadlift!

Some people will be very strong deadlifting with near straight legs, almost as strong as in the regular deadlift. Others will lift ridiculously light weights compared to their deadlifts, more often than not because they feel that their lower back is working and they’ve fallen for the ridiculous idea that the lower back is so fragile it shouldn’t be used. Build the stiff leg deadlift and push it – without being stupid! – and you’re sure to see your deadlift improve. And yes, it can even be done sumo style.

In the stiff leg deadlift I prefer higher repetitions most of the time. Around 4-8 for 2-4 sets.

Snatch deadlift

For Olympic weightlifters the snatch deadlift is a staple, at least outside ultra minimalist systems, but it can be a useful exercise for just about anyone. Olympic lifting specifics aside, for regular folks and powerlifters alike, snatch deadlift is a deadlift with a very wide grip.

HOW WIDE SHOULD MY GRIP BE? A simple way to find your grip is with the use of a broomstick. Hold on to it and have one of your arms straight up and the other straight out to the side. Now bring the stick down in front of you, that’s the width you should start with. It's a lot wider than most people think. If you have my wingspan, the bar is not actually long enough!

What are the benefits of this odd grip?

  1. The lift will be longer. Since the grip is wider you will have to sit further down, similar to a deficit deadlift - and do make a point of sitting further down rather than bending over more.
  2. It will work your upper back tremendously if you keep it in the proper position without rounding. Again, I urge you to make a point of it. Keep your back locked in.

I use all kinds of repetition ranges in the snatch deadlift, from one rep maxes to sets of ten. A warning: do not under any circumstances use a mixed grip in snatch deadlifts unless you want to tear your bicep. Instead use a hook grip or straps.

Special considerations

I think the deadlift is a great "meat & potatoes"-lift for any gym rat. Build it and you will be stronger. Do it sensibly and your body will thank you with a healthier back and better posture.

It's not all sunshine and rainbows though. You need to pay attention to your form and what you're doing from the very beginning. Then, as you get stronger, you will have to pay attention to recovery in a way you have yet to grasp as a beginner. When you're "serious powerlifter strong", training the deadlift might take more out of you than it's worth. For this reason I plan the deadlift training for powerlifters a bit different than I do the squat and the bench press.

  • It's typically done less frequent, as little as 1x/week, depending on the system and program.
  • A set is almost never taken to failure. Do not mistake that statement for easy sets!
  • There’s quite a bit of variety in assistance exercises and we rely quite heavily on things such as Romanian deadlifts, good mornings and more. I’ve also devised specific ways of doing rows to build the deadlift.
  • To some degree even squat variations are picked based on deadlift style.

Everything must get stronger for a bigger deadlift but more deadlifting is not always necessary and can even hinder progress. Note that I'm talking about strong competitors here. If you're not at least approaching 3*bodyweight lifts you probably don't have to think too much about these things right now.

Good luck.

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Online training. Is the bar glued to the floor? I help regular folks who want to be strong, as well as athletes - from rank beginners to international level lifters.

Workshops. I occasionally do workshops and seminars for athletes as well as the average Joe and Jane.

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