These are some of the tools developed by Everlifting. Some are public, some will be, others are for internal use. Business owners interested in acquiring or using any of them: shoot an email and we'll discuss it.

Everlifting | Logger

A training app connecting the trainer to the athlete.


Like many training logging apps, Everlifting | Logger allows the athlete or trainee to log their training. Unlike most of these apps, it also allows the trainer to upload training plans, comment and more. The athlete can also make comments and adjustments to the plans depending on how the actual training session went, which the trainer can of course see. Everlifting | Logger makes it much easier to look back on past training data to make future decisions easier.


Tech details

Everlifting | Logger is a web app and works equally well on mobile and on desktop. The athlete has its own login and results are stored in a SQL database. The trainer can upload plans through a web interface or by using commandline tools. Training plans can be written in plain english that gets converted and uploaded.

Availability: Everlifting | Logger is used by everyone I train for the past years. It might become publically available at some point.

Everlifting | Commander

A full-fleged power tool for trainers and coaches.


Everlifting | Commander is a swiss-army knife that does a lot of things a trainer or coach need to do. It includes a variety of calculators and not just the common ones like Wilks, Sinclair and BMI, but also Preparedness (based on assistance lifts) and different Rep Max calculators that - aside from the basic ones - can even give results based on the individual! Everlifting | Commander also provides analysis tools from the individual's data and even from their competitors. It's designed as a one-stop shop for every tool I know of or can come up with that a trainer of elite athletes could need.


Tech details

Everlifting | Commander runs locally on a computer and is mainly written in C++ with "glue code" in other languages.

Availability: Everlifting | Commander is only used internally.

Adaptive Training System

A training planner that adapts to the lifter by making decisions on lifts, weights and more.


Adaptive Training System (ATS for short) plans the training for any strength goal, adapts to the lifter and actually gets more "intelligent" the longer it's used. Sounds to good to be true? Think again, it has been used since 2016 with beginners to National champions making their best results ever... And with both powerlifters and Olympic weightlifters. ATS can be used for any sport where strength and speed are important.


Tech details

ATS is a training system and a set of rules of how to deduct training plans from it. It's not an LLM. ATS currently runs on scripts but there have been thoughts to turn it into a web service or an app, say like a training app with a "virtual trainer".

Note: Regarding the current crop of LLM's for planning training - they produce utter garbage. I'm not a hater, I would really like them to work! I still think there's a possibility with the right training data, rules and methods. If you're in the business of trying to make it happen I would be happy to advice and work with you. Shoot an email and let's talk.

Availability: ATS is only used internally but there have been considerations to make it available as an app.

Everlifting Modular System

A meta-system for combining different training cycles into proper, safe plans.


Everlifting Modular System (EMS for short) is a meta-system in that training cycles from nearly any training system can be bundled together into a safe plan. Often what would happen if you "frankenstein" say a deadlift cycle from one system with a squat cycle from another is you would have a mess that could easily lead to overtraining. EMS sidesteps this with three components: The Core - a carefully selected set of rules, The Shell - an outline of a safe micro cycle, and The Repo - a huge collection of "modules" (over 100), or training cycles (traditional and new) slightly tweaked to fit. The results are a near fool proof way to combine different cycles "like Lego", as one protege said.


Tech details

So far EMS is only implemented in rules in documents and The Repo as human- and machine-readable modules. I've considered creating a web service with a drag-n-drop interface but it's currently on hold.

Availability: EMS used to be publically available in document form. It has been pulled but might be reworked into an interactive web app at some point.

Workout Randomizer

Check some boxes, get a random workout back instantly.


The Workout Randomizer is a web app tailored to my 4Life concept, meaning it's not for competitive athletes who need personalized training plans, rather regular folks who want to get a good workout done. It has options for warmup, a strength portion (typically big barbell lifts) and for what I call stamina (see the article Stamina training). In its current form the stamina section is most evolved, allowing you to randomize bodyweight circuits, kettlebell training, core workouts and more.


Tech details

I have a basic vesion of the randomizer running locally as a web service. A strong focus is on which controls to include (which parameters to randomize) so that 1) it's intuitive to a novice yet tweakable for an experienced lifter, and 2) it's safe insofar it doesn't create stupid and dangerous workouts.

Availability: Workout Randomizer will be available publically soon.


A database with actually good instructions on how to perform lifts.


StrengthDB is a database with written instructions on how to correctly do hundreds of different lifts. It's still being updated, albeit at a slow pace because I primarily add new instructions when I need to give them to one of my athletes and the current lifts cover most of what I need. There's however a list of what it will eventually contain and I update the database with large chunks (entire groups of lifts and movements) every once in a while to cut down that list.


Tech details

StrengthDB is contained in a single sqlite3-file. In reality it includes a lot more information than the public instance shows. Not more lifts, just more information about them, mainly different categorizations. The public instance will at some point be updated to include that information. It would be nice to add photos and videos but the undertaking would be huge and more person power would be required so it's not going to happen without outside investment. An API may or may not happen in the future.

Availability: StrengthDB is available as a public instance at